Year 5 Satellite Class
Class teacher: Mrs Thomas / Mrs Browning
Class teaching assistant: Miss Hughes
Satellite class
Welcome to Satellite class! Here you will find our newsletters, photos of our topic work and any important information about our class. Satellite class is taught by Mrs Browning on a Monday and Mrs Thomas on Tuesday to Friday. Please pop back here (as well as having a look at our class photos tab) to see what we have been getting up to during the term.
This term:
During this term (Autumn 1), Year 5 will be covering lots of different areas of the curriculum. Our learning will all be based around our new topic "Bustling Bourton".
Our topic will be launched through a visit to Bourton, taking in the sights and taking photos of the famous River Windrush. From these, in art we will study how to create shadow and reflection in water using watercolour paints.
In history, we will investigate how tourism has grown in Bourton and whether it has always been so important. We will use a variety of primary sources to ask and answer questions about the past.
Fieldwork in our locality is a big focus in geography this term. We intend to interview people around Bourton, gathering data which we can then use to answer certain questions about the place. We will use a range of maps, plans and photos (current and old) alongside visiting Bourton to understand how it has changed as a place.
Using greenscreens in computing, we will create a short presentation about Bourton which we will alter the appearance of by adding special effects.
In maths this term our main focus is Place Value. We will be ordering and comparing numbers up to and beyond one million, including numbers to two decimal places, followed by looking at rounding and negative numbers. One day a week, the lesson focus will be on reasoning questions and mental arithmetic (10 in 10s).
In English, we will be recapping and practising previous skills, such as: compound sentences, ISPACE sentence starters, subordinating conjunctions and paragraphing. We will explore these skills through a range of different text types, working towards writing our own persuasive texts in the form of a tourist leaflet persuading people to visit Bourton.
Important Class Information:
PE Days: Mondays and Tuesdays. Children need to come to school wearing their PE kit.
Reading Books: reading books will be changed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Homework: A new homework grid for Term 1 will be attached below soon. Comprehension texts will continue to be set for the children to complete regularly on Rockerbox at home. New class logins will be sent home soon.
Reading: Please continue to listen to your child read daily, even for 10 minutes, and encourage them to complete the reading task in the reading journal. Books should be changed regularly.
Maths Passport: Regular practise of Maths Passport targets helps pupils to retain knowledge and helps them to utilise these facts in other mathematical learning.
Times Tables: It is important all pupils are learning (and continue to practice) the timetables up to the 12 times table. These should be known by the end of year 4 but it is essential that the children continue to practice and recall these facts.
Useful websites for times table practise:
Thank you for your continued support. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.
Key Dates:
Monday 2nd September – INSET Day
Tuesday 3rd September - School starts again
Friday 6th September - Year 1 and 2 Amaze Day
Tuesday 22nd October - Parents Evening (late)
Thursday 24th October - Parents Evening (early)
Friday 25th October - INSET Day