Year 6 Asteroid class
Meet the team:
Mr N Rourke (Class Teacher)
Mrs Kilbey (Friday)
Mrs Van Jaarsveld (Teaching Assistant)
Our Learning
During this term (Summer 2), Year 6 will be covering lots of different areas of the curriculum. Our learning will all be based around our new topic "The Need For Speed!"
In science, we will investigate friction: testing a variety of surfaces for speed and stopping ability. Our focus will be fair testing, recording and interpreting results and making conclusions.
In computing, we will explore the world of coding through Scratch. Writing basic algorithms in order to control our personalised sprites!
Our main focus this term will be design and technology. In teams, the children will design, build and decorate their very own soap box-style go-kart. This will be celebrated in a playground 'Grand Prix' towards the end of term.
In maths this term we continue with shape and angles before looking into measure and analysis of data on spreadsheets. This will link closely to our topic lessons. One day a week, the lesson focus will be on reasoning questions and mental arithmetic.
In English, we will be recapping and practising previous skills, such as: ISPACE sentence starters, subordinating conjunctions and relative embedded clauses. We will explore these skills through a range of different text types, including narrative description with a focus on suspense and tension.
Important Class Information:
Year 6 PE days-Wednesday and Friday (PE will be in the afternoons, so children can come into school in a PE kit)
Key Dates:
Monday 3rd June – School starts again
Friday 7th June KS2 Athletics (previously postponed)
W/C Monday 10th June – Year 1 Phonics Screening Check
Monday 10th June-Parents residential meeting
Wednesday 12th June Y5/6 Girls Cricket (teams to be confirmed)
Thursday 13th June Y5/6 Boys Cricket (teams to be confirmed)
Friday 14th June FOBS Racing Event
W/C Monday 17th June – Year 2 SATS Week
Monday 24th June Y5/6 Rounders at Cotswold School (teams to be confirmed)
Tuesday 2nd July-Year 6 Transition day
Thursday 4th July - Sports Day
Monday 8th to Wednesday 10th June- Y6 Residential Trip
Friday 12th July - Reports to parents
Saturday 13th July - FOBS Summer Fair
Monday 15th July - Class Swap Morning (Your child will spend the morning with their new class teacher)
Tuesday 16th July-PC year 6 workshop
Tuesday 17th July- Grand-Prix- Go Karts
Thursday 18th July-Leavers assembly (PM)
Friday 19th July – Break up for the Summer holidays at 2pm