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Year 3/4: Meteorite Class

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! 

Meet the team: 

Mrs K Gittins (Class Teacher)

Mrs Rowlands (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Joynes (1:1 Teaching Assistant)

Here you will find our newsletters, photos and any important information about our class. Please pop back here to see what we have been doing during the term and to find out what is coming up.

Important Class Information

PE Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays: Children need to come to school wearing their PE kit.

Reading Books: reading books will be changed on Tuesdays and Fridays. 

Homework: A homework grid will be added to the website and will be due in on Monday 24th February.


Monday 6th January: Inset Day

Tuesday 7th January: Children return to school.

Week beginning 13th January: Whole school Oracy heats

Week beginning 20th January: Digital Detox wellbeing week

Friday 31st January: Wear blue for Diabetes Day 

Tuesday 11th February: Safer internet Day

Friday 14th February: Break up for half-term at 3.15 pm


This term we are looking forward to discovering all about Ancient Egypt in our topic, 'Walk like an Egyptian.' From looking at maps in Geography, children will locate countries in Europe and then locate Egypt on the continent of Africa. Using human and physical geographical features, children will then look more in-depth at Egypt before comparing it to the UK. 

In History, children will improve their chronological knowledge by looking at timelines and the time period Ancient Egypt occurred, compared to other time periods, including Roman and Iron Age Britain previously studied. Using secondary sources, we will discover what life was like in Ancient Egypt.

In Science, we will look at forces, in particular, push and pull forces and how friction can occur as a result of some forces. We will carry out a fair test to see how different surfaces can affect friction. 

In RE, children will look at how festivals and family life show what matters for Jewish people. 

In PHSCE we will be looking at money and where it comes from and looking at understanding what and how we spend our money.


In English, children will be writing an explanation text to explain the mummification process. In order to help the children write this text, we will be mummifying a tomato!

Our class story that we will read this term is Jeremy Strong's, 'There's a Pharaoh in our Bath!' We will also use this text in our guided reading sessions.


We will be continuing with using formal methods for multiplication and division before moving onto fractions and decimals. 

Reading: Please continue to listen to your child read daily, even for 10 minutes, and get your child to complete the reading task in the reading journal. Books should be changed regularly. Books are changed on Tuesdays and Fridays. 

Maths Passport: Regular practise of Maths Passport targets helps pupils to retain knowledge and helps them to utilise these facts in other mathematical learning. 

Times Tables: It is important all pupils are learning the timetables up to the 12 times table and know these by the end of year 4. 

Useful websites for times table practise:

Thank you for your continued support. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.