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Meet The Team

Welcome to Reception class! Here you will find our letters, photos of our topic work and any important information about our class. Please pop back here to see what we have been getting up to during the term.  

There are two Reception classes. 

Shooting Stars

Teacher: Mrs Julia Mollyneaux

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Nevins

Comet Class

Teacher: Mrs Davies & Mr Brown

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Kelly

In the Reception classes, we are lucky enough to have an additional teaching assistant. Miss Sykes takes intervention groups and supports the children 1:1, in groups and during classroom activities when needed.

Class Information



In addition to their own water bottles, all children have a drink of milk or water (in a cup) at snack time. We ensure that every child has a drink then so please be reassured that they have been drinking, even if their school bottle still has some water in. We also refill lots of their bottles during the day. Children do have access to water if they forget their bottle. Infant children are also provided with a free fruit or vegetable snack daily. 


As we are now approaching summer, it is important that the children are safe in the sun. Please ensure your child comes to school with a water bottle, a sun hat and suncream to protect them from the sun. Please also continue to ensure that your child has a thin waterproof coat in school with them each day in case it should rain. We take the opportunity to go outside in both rain and shine! 


We love to hear about your child’s WOW moments at home. Please jot down any of your child’s achievements on a wow voucher so that we can celebrate with them in school and add these to our WOW wall. Please ask if you need any more vouchers. 


We are fortunate to have a dedicated area for our Welly Walks. Welly Walks offer an ideal opportunity to learn outdoors, and offer a rich and sensory environment for learning, particularly for our children in Reception. We go to the woods on a Friday afternoon. Although we will not take the children outside in heavy rain/snow, we try to go out whatever the weather! Please ensure that your child has a pair of named wellington boots in school. It is very wet and soggy down in the woods at the minute and we don't want them to get their school shoes dirty.


PE will take place on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs Mhertens. As the children are now changing into their PE kits, please ensure that all belongings are clearly labelled with your child’s name. That way, if your child brings someone else's uniform home, we can quickly return it to the owner. The children keep their PE kits on their pegs throughout the term and then they will be sent home half-termly for washing. Please can ear-rings be removed for PE. 

Thank you for your continued support. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.

Summer term 2



This term the topic will be "The environment". This term, we will be reading stories about looking after the planet, taking care of wildlife and being considerate of others. We will be using a range of crafts materials to create recycling bins, picking litter on school grounds and learning more about the world around us, including keeping the oceans clean, what we can do to help and where our food comes from. This will lead into learning all about healthy food, oral hygiene and health and self-care. The children will be learning about what foods are good for us, what we can do to look after our oral health and why these things are important; including a visit from a local dentist!


In the summer term, Reception children will continue to learn the Set 2 sounds - ay, ee, igh, ow, oo..., as well as read these sounds in words. If you are unsure of how to help your child consolidate these sounds, feel free to come and talk to us. In addition to this, they will continue to learn other red words. Please put these around the house and encourage the children to read them / play games with them at any spare moment!

The children have made good progress in our RWI programme. We will be continuing to develop oral blending skills (Fred Talk) and using these skills to help read (using Fred Talk) and spell words (using Fred Fingers). Please refer to the video links below for more information.

Parent video: Sound blending (

Parent video: Spelling (

We practise letter formation every day in reception but your child will greatly benefit from 1:1 practice at home alongside this. If you are able to support your child in this way, please watch this short clip on letter formation so you teach the correct phrase alongside each sound:

rwi letter formation youtube - Google Search


The children’s reading is progressing well, with some strong sound recognition and blending skills. The more they practice these skills, the more fluent your child will become at decoding words, this then allows them to develop their comprehension skills. Try to make reading a part of your daily routine, finding a time that fits in with your schedule at home. This could be when you first get home from school or after dinner. A few pages regularly is better than a whole book less often!


This half term our focus will be on comparing and composition of numbers to 10 and recapping everything we have learned this year. This will deepen the children’s number sense and basic maths skills. The children will use a range of resources to show their mathematical thinking and will practise and revisit concepts until they are confident enough to apply it independently to a range of situations and talk about their process.


Our PE day is Wednesday. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school.

Important Dates:

Monday 3rd June - Return to school

Wednesday 12th June - Dentist visit

Thursday 27th June - Design & Technology Day

Thursday 4th July - Sports Day

Friday 12th July - Reports to parents

Saturday 13th July - FOBS Summer Fair

Monday 15th July - Class Swap Morning (Your child will spend the morning with their new class teacher)

Friday 19th July – Break up for the Summer holidays at 2pm

Monday 15th July - Class swap day

Friday 19th July - Last day of school